5.6. Summary¶
In this chapter, we have analysed scattering of particles by a potential localised in a finite region around some point, which we take as the origin. The starting point of the quantum mechanical analysis is the wave function far from the scattering centre, which reads: The first term represents the incoming wave (the wave vector is usually taken along the -axis) and the second term represents the scattered wave whose amplitude can be measured as a function of and at a detector -- this amplitude is given as the differential cross section: The shape of the function is determined by the interaction potential , which is often taken to be spherically symmetric: . The total cross section is the integral of the differential cross section:
The calculation of from the scattering potential can be performed quite easily provided the interaction potential is weak. In that case, we can use the exact Green's function solution: and its first Born approximation: From this last equation, the form of can readily be derived: We usually set . For a spherically symmetric potential, the integral depends only on the length of this vector. This length is given as where is the length of the wave vector of the in- and outgoing waves, and is the scattering angle.
The Born approximation yields the exact result for scattering off a Coulomb potential (the Rutherford formula):
We have derived the optical theorem as a consequence of the conservation of matter:
We then have approached the quantum scattering problem from a very different angle: Partial Wave Analysis. In this formalism, we expans the incoming wave in terms of different , and for each of these, we separately calculate the scattering waves and their contribution to the scattering cross sections. The central quantity which contains the information concerning the scattering of a wave with definite , is the phase shift, . This can be found from solving the radial Schrödinger equation with the scattering potential , and then identifying the radial part opf the solution for large as a shifted spherical Bessel function: From these we obtain: For the total cross section we find, using the orthonormality relations of the Legendre polynomials: